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Why Video ‘Content is King’ in 2019

By August 22, 2019September 5th, 2019Marketing

We’ve all heard of Bill Gates’ infamous phrase, “content is king,” coined back in 1996. While it remains true, the meaning behind it has definitely evolved since its birth. Nowadays, video content generation is booming more than ever before, due to its rise within the digital marketing world. More specifically, digital and broadcast media has been increasingly taking over brand-building efforts across all industries. 

Maneuvering the challenges that come within digital marketing can be tough at first. However, we’ve put together some key indicators that point to why it’s time for you to hop on the video marketing train.

Simplifies your Business

To start, video content provides businesses with an opportunity to condense its products or brand into a straight-to-the-point explanation. This provides viewers with an easy way to absorb all of your company’s main points at once. Evoking customer emotions is one of the main benefits that come from posting or re-sharing video content. After watching your video content, customers are likely to want to learn more and visit your site. In fact, there are four types of video content that produce high conversion rates. Consider starting off with the one that suits your customers best, and then experiment with the others. Overall, the goal is to present how valuable whatever you’re offering is so that prospects turn into long-lasting customers. Video content does just that by drawing people in and locking their attention for a brief period of time.

Social Media Friendly

It’s no surprise that social media is a powerhouse in relation to getting a lot of eyes on your content. In fact, top companies like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all have feeds that display videos on an auto-play function. This means anyone following your company can scroll down their feed and come across your video without even having to engage and press play. This feature makes video content extremely social media friendly, and it contributes to the continued rise in viewer retention rates and online engagement. Not to mention, video content on social media can travel from one person to another. It provides the opportunity for people to share your branded video to other colleagues, friends and followers.

Enhances SEO

Ultimately, video content is extremely effective for achieving great search engine optimization (SEO) results. Search engines gather your media data to help people find your company in their searches relevant to your company. The more videos you have on your site and social channels, the more chances you have of a client reaching your site. This is possible due to the video’s added keywords, descriptions, transcripts and tags. SEO feeds off the information you provide, so video content is a great way to move forward in the sector of brand awareness and engagement.

Until next time!

Critical Mention

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Priscilla Osorio

Priscilla is the marketing coordinator for Critical Mention. Early on in her career, she developed a passion for marketing, writing and anything within the communication field. During her leisure time, she loves to watch her favorite sports teams and explore new restaurants with friends and family.